Thursday, November 28, 2013

Lesson of the day:

Although cockroaches

are vulnerable to slipper smash attacks, never underestimate them. They may be calm at certain times but, they are also agile and swift bloody creatures.  And once they start to flap their tiny puny disgusting little wings and fly like a butterfly around you, you be like: (Scream and shout and let it all out) something like that.. and they've got lots of surprises oh creepy broccoli :/

The I-peace (Ipis) if only these freakin insects are peaceful and can co-exist with us people in harmony, maybe we can just leave them alone.  Unfortunately, the more we evade them, the more they approach us.
And you will need a subordinate who can kill them instead of you, those who are not THAT afraid of em.  Admit it, even though you are not afraid of these brown creatures, once they touched your skin, you start dancing.
If only I can talk to the Lord of Ipises, because I have these what you call the aah
Ipis-o-phobia (Katsaridaphobia) I'll ask him:  King of Ipises, you see, me and your people are having some tiny little dispute between privacy and personal space among your bloody race.  You see, I want to make a treaty between me and your kingdom.  I shall heed myself before you, refrain and prevent myself from attacking or harming your beloved race, just stay away from me please.  Literally.

Thursday Morning
05:49 A.M.

Guess what? They just keep on bothering me, I was about to sleep then suddenly another cockroach just walked unto my skin.  AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaHH!!!!
Bloody nut-shacks.  I really hate nuisances and these flying hateful bastards really annoys me.
Thursday Morning
05:35 A.M.

Guess what? I just killed 8 notorious cockroaches (not to mention those who luckily survived my silly rampage) this very morning.  They attacked me at my bed like some weird psychos good for nothin piece of crap just so you know, oh silly pepper.  These freakin creepy flying crawlers ruined and disturbed not just my deep slumber but my day as well.  Oh early morning, figuratively speaking.  Such bloody bastards oh sweet tomato.

aaaAAArrgh!! I think I just developed some weird keen cockroach detecting sonar senses, and it will be my own regime to kill these awful "wake-up" torment from now on. Stupid roaches. -_-